Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We have switched to CSCOPE. A lot of time and resources are being used to ensure our teachers are getting all of the training they need. I spent a lot of time lately getting the training schedule sorted out so our teachers can attend the training. Everything has to be documented because we are using Title I funds to help pay for some of this. I am learning more about how detailed everything has to be for grant monies.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Our assistant superintendent left to take a position a Region V requiring the rest of us to step up and take on additional responsibilities. I am working on Title I and Title XIV funds. We are currently trying to help decide the best way for our district to spend these funds. I am using site based committees (both campuses and district level) to come up with ideas and then making sure those ideas fit the criteria set forth for using those funds. Fun, Fun, Fun!!! But I should be able to knock off a couple of the competencies in Domains II and III. I am also helping to revamp our PDAS system with a new computer based system that does PDAS but also allows us to create our own evaluations. More Domain II competencies. I am also looking at curriculum to address the needs of under performing groups. More Domain II. I need to address Domain I. Any ideas?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
SBEC Superintendent Competencies
S - 17
C - 51
I - 16
Most of my strengths deal with situations that are encountered on the district level that I feel comfortable transitioning to a district level. Many of the strenghts deal with communication, collaboration, and promoting student success. They also deal with the daily operations of the campus. I had 52 areas that I feel competent in. These are areas that I have worked with but have had limited exposure to. I feel familiar enough with them to work with it and hopefully be successful. My weaknesses deal with things I have had not had the opportunity to work a lot with. Some of these were dealing with the budget for the district. Others dealt with relationships with board members and other stakeholders.
Directions: For each criteria, enter S, C, or I
Key to scoring: S = I consider this a strength, I could lead in this activity.
C= I feel competent in this area of knowledge and skill
I = This is an area on which I would like to focus and improve my knowledge and skill
Domain I—Leadership of the Educational Community
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner
in order to promote the success of all students.
___c__serve as an advocate for all children.
___s__model and promote the highest standard of conduct, ethical principles, and integrity in decision making, actions, and behaviors.
___i__ implement policies and procedures that promote district personnel compliance with The Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators.
___c__apply knowledge of ethical issues affecting education.
___c__apply laws, policies, and procedures in a fair and reasonable manner.
___s__ interact with district staff and students in a professional manner.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to shape district culture by facilitating the
development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of
learning that is shared and supported by the educational community.
___c__ establish and support a district culture that promotes learning, high expectations, and academic rigor for self, students, and staff.
___s__ facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision that focuses on teaching and learning and ensures the success of all students.
___c__ implement strategies for involving all stakeholders in planning processes and for facilitating planning between constituencies.
___i__ use formal and informal techniques to monitor and assess district/school climate for effective, responsive decision making.
___c__ institute procedures for monitoring the accomplishment of district goals and objectives to achieve the district's vision.
___c__ facilitate the development, use, and allocation of all available resources, including human resources, to support implementation of the district's vision and goals.
___c__ recognize and celebrate contributions of staff and community toward realization of the district's vision.
___c__ maintain awareness of emerging issues and trends affecting public education and communicate their significance to the local educational community.
___c__ encourage and model innovative thinking and risk taking and view problems as learning opportunities.
___c__ promote multicultural awareness, gender sensitivity, and the appreciation of diversity in the educational community.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to communicate and collaborate with families and
community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilize community resources to ensure educational success for all students.
___s__ serve as an articulate spokesperson for the importance of public education in a free democratic society.
___s__ develop and implement an effective and comprehensive internal and external district communications plan and public relations program.
___c__ analyze community and district structures and identify major opinion leaders and their relationships to district goals and programs.
___c__ establish partnerships with families, area businesses, institutions of higher education, and community groups to strengthen programs and support district goals.
___c__ implement effective strategies for systematically communicating with and gathering input from all stakeholders in the district.
___c__ communicate and work effectively with diverse social, cultural, ethnic, and racial groups in the district and community so that all students receive appropriate resources and instructional support to ensure educational success.
___c__ develop and use formal and informal techniques to gain an accurate view of the perceptions of district staff, families, and community members.
___i__ use effective consensus-building and conflict-management skills.
___c__ articulate the district's vision and priorities to the community and to the media.
___c__ influence the media by using proactive communication strategies that serve to enhance and promote the district's vision.
___c__ communicate effectively about positions on educational issues.
___c__ use effective and forceful writing, speaking, and active listening skills.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to respond to and influence the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context, including working with the board of trustees, to
achieve the district's educational vision.
__c___ analyze and respond to political, social, economic, and cultural factors affecting students and education.
__i___ provide leadership in defining superintendent-board roles and establishing mutual expectations.
__i___ communicate and work effectively with board members in varied contexts, including problem-solving and decision-making contexts.
__i___ work with the board of trustees to define mutual expectations, policies, and standards.
__i___ access and work with local, state, and national political systems and organizations to elicit input on critical educational issues.
__c___ use legal guidelines to protect the rights of students and staff and to improve learning opportunities.
__c___ prepare and recommend district policies to improve student learning and district performance in compliance with state and federal requirements
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to facilitate the planning and implementation of strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment among curriculum, curriculum resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied
assessments to measure student performance.
__c___ facilitate effective curricular decision making based on an understanding of pedagogy, curriculum design, cognitive development, learning processes, and child and adolescent growth and development.
__c___ implement planning procedures to develop curricula that achieve optimal student learning and that anticipate and respond to occupational and economic trends.
__c___ implement core curriculum design and delivery systems to ensure instructional quality and continuity across the district.
__i___ develop and implement collaborative processes for systematically assessing and renewing the curriculum to meet the needs of all students and ensure appropriate scope, sequence, content, and alignment.
__s___ use assessment to measure student learning and diagnose student needs to ensure educational accountability.
__c___ evaluate district curricula and provide direction for improving curricula based on sound, research-based practices.
__s___ integrate the use of technology, telecommunications, and information systems into the school district curriculum to enhance learning for all students.
__s___ facilitate the use of creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem solving by staff and other school district stakeholders involved in curriculum design and delivery.
__s___ facilitate the effective coordination of district and campus curricular and extracurricular programs.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a district culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
__i___ apply knowledge of motivational theories to create conditions that encourage staff, students, families/caregivers, and the community to strive to achieve the district's vision.
__c___ facilitate the implementation of sound, research-based theories and techniques of classroom management, student discipline, and school safety to ensure a school district environment conducive to learning.
__c___ facilitate the development of a learning organization that encourages educational excellence, supports instructional improvement, and incorporates best practice.
__c___ facilitate the ongoing study of current best practice and relevant research and encourage the application of this knowledge to district/school improvement initiatives.
__c___ plan and manage student services and activity programs to address developmental, scholastic, social, emotional, cultural, physical, and leadership needs.
__c___ establish a comprehensive school district program of student assessment, interpretation of data, and reporting of state and national data results.
__c___ apply knowledge of special programs to ensure that students with special needs are provided with appropriate resources and effective, flexible instructional programs and services.
__c___ analyze instructional resource needs and deploy instructional resources effectively and equitably to enhance student learning.
__i___ analyze the implications of various organizational factors (e.g., staffing patterns, class scheduling formats, school organizational structures, student discipline practices) for teaching and learning.
__i___ develop, implement, and evaluate change processes to improve student and adult learning and the climate for learning.
__c___ ensure responsiveness to diverse sociological, linguistic, cultural, psychological, and other factors that may affect student development and learning and create an environment in which all students can learn.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members and select appropriate models for supervision and staff development.
___s__ enhance teaching and learning by participating in quality professional development activities and studying current professional literature and research.
___s__ develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive professional development plan to address identified areas of district, campus, and/or staff need.
___c__ facilitate the application of adult learning principles to all professional development activities, including the use of support and follow-up strategies to facilitate implementation.
___c__ implement strategies to enhance professional capabilities at the district and campus level.
___s__ work collaboratively with other district personnel to plan, implement, and evaluate professional growth programs.
___c__ deliver effective presentations and facilitate learning for both small and large groups.
___i__ implement effective strategies for the recruitment, selection, induction, development, evaluation, and promotion of staff.
___c__ develop and implement comprehensive staff evaluation models that include both formative and summative assessment and appraisal strategies.
___c__ diagnose organizational health and morale and implement strategies and programs to provide ongoing assistance and support to personnel
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to district budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology use.
___i__ apply procedures for effective budget planning and management.
___c__ work collaboratively with stakeholders to develop district budgets.
___i__ facilitate effective account auditing and monitoring.
___i__ establish district procedures for accurate and effective purchasing and financial record keeping and reporting.
___i__ acquire, allocate, and manage resources according to district vision and priorities, including obtaining and using funding from various sources.
___c__ use district and staff evaluation data for personnel policy development and decision making.
___s__ apply knowledge of certification requirements and standards.
___c__ apply knowledge of legal requirements associated with personnel management, including requirements relating to recruiting, screening, selecting, evaluating, disciplining, reassigning, and dismissing personnel.
___c__ manage one's own time and the time of others to maximize attainment of district goals.
___c__ develop and implement plans for using technology and information systems to enhance school district operations.
___c__ apply pertinent legal concepts, regulations, and codes.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to apply principles of leadership and management
to the district's physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective
learning environment.
___s__ apply procedures for planning, funding, renovating, and/or constructing school facilities.
___s__ implement strategies that enable the district's physical plant, equipment, and support systems to operate safely, efficiently, and effectively.
___s__ apply strategies for ensuring the safety of students and personnel and for addressing emergencies and security concerns.
___c__ develop and implement procedures for crisis planning and for responding to crises.
___s__ apply procedures for ensuring the effective operation and maintenance of district facilities.
___c__ implement appropriate, effective procedures in relation to district transportation services, food services, health services, and other services.
___c__ apply pertinent legal concepts, regulations, and codes.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and
problem-solving skills to facilitate positive change in varied contexts.
___c__ implement appropriate management techniques and group process skills to define roles, assign functions, delegate effectively, and determine accountability for goal attainment.
___c__ implement processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for informed decision making.
___c__ frame, analyze, and resolve problems using appropriate problem-solving techniques and decision-making skills.
___c__ use strategies for working with others, including the board of trustees, to promote collaborative decision making and problem solving, facilitate team building, and develop consensus.
___c__ encourage and facilitate positive change, enlist support for change, and overcome obstacles to change in varied educational contexts.
___c__ apply skills for monitoring and evaluating change and making needed adjustments to achieve goals.
___c__ analyze and manage internal and external political systems to benefit the educational organization.
S - 17
C - 51
I - 16
Most of my strengths deal with situations that are encountered on the district level that I feel comfortable transitioning to a district level. Many of the strenghts deal with communication, collaboration, and promoting student success. They also deal with the daily operations of the campus. I had 52 areas that I feel competent in. These are areas that I have worked with but have had limited exposure to. I feel familiar enough with them to work with it and hopefully be successful. My weaknesses deal with things I have had not had the opportunity to work a lot with. Some of these were dealing with the budget for the district. Others dealt with relationships with board members and other stakeholders.
Directions: For each criteria, enter S, C, or I
Key to scoring: S = I consider this a strength, I could lead in this activity.
C= I feel competent in this area of knowledge and skill
I = This is an area on which I would like to focus and improve my knowledge and skill
Domain I—Leadership of the Educational Community
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner
in order to promote the success of all students.
___c__serve as an advocate for all children.
___s__model and promote the highest standard of conduct, ethical principles, and integrity in decision making, actions, and behaviors.
___i__ implement policies and procedures that promote district personnel compliance with The Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators.
___c__apply knowledge of ethical issues affecting education.
___c__apply laws, policies, and procedures in a fair and reasonable manner.
___s__ interact with district staff and students in a professional manner.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to shape district culture by facilitating the
development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of
learning that is shared and supported by the educational community.
___c__ establish and support a district culture that promotes learning, high expectations, and academic rigor for self, students, and staff.
___s__ facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision that focuses on teaching and learning and ensures the success of all students.
___c__ implement strategies for involving all stakeholders in planning processes and for facilitating planning between constituencies.
___i__ use formal and informal techniques to monitor and assess district/school climate for effective, responsive decision making.
___c__ institute procedures for monitoring the accomplishment of district goals and objectives to achieve the district's vision.
___c__ facilitate the development, use, and allocation of all available resources, including human resources, to support implementation of the district's vision and goals.
___c__ recognize and celebrate contributions of staff and community toward realization of the district's vision.
___c__ maintain awareness of emerging issues and trends affecting public education and communicate their significance to the local educational community.
___c__ encourage and model innovative thinking and risk taking and view problems as learning opportunities.
___c__ promote multicultural awareness, gender sensitivity, and the appreciation of diversity in the educational community.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to communicate and collaborate with families and
community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilize community resources to ensure educational success for all students.
___s__ serve as an articulate spokesperson for the importance of public education in a free democratic society.
___s__ develop and implement an effective and comprehensive internal and external district communications plan and public relations program.
___c__ analyze community and district structures and identify major opinion leaders and their relationships to district goals and programs.
___c__ establish partnerships with families, area businesses, institutions of higher education, and community groups to strengthen programs and support district goals.
___c__ implement effective strategies for systematically communicating with and gathering input from all stakeholders in the district.
___c__ communicate and work effectively with diverse social, cultural, ethnic, and racial groups in the district and community so that all students receive appropriate resources and instructional support to ensure educational success.
___c__ develop and use formal and informal techniques to gain an accurate view of the perceptions of district staff, families, and community members.
___i__ use effective consensus-building and conflict-management skills.
___c__ articulate the district's vision and priorities to the community and to the media.
___c__ influence the media by using proactive communication strategies that serve to enhance and promote the district's vision.
___c__ communicate effectively about positions on educational issues.
___c__ use effective and forceful writing, speaking, and active listening skills.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to respond to and influence the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context, including working with the board of trustees, to
achieve the district's educational vision.
__c___ analyze and respond to political, social, economic, and cultural factors affecting students and education.
__i___ provide leadership in defining superintendent-board roles and establishing mutual expectations.
__i___ communicate and work effectively with board members in varied contexts, including problem-solving and decision-making contexts.
__i___ work with the board of trustees to define mutual expectations, policies, and standards.
__i___ access and work with local, state, and national political systems and organizations to elicit input on critical educational issues.
__c___ use legal guidelines to protect the rights of students and staff and to improve learning opportunities.
__c___ prepare and recommend district policies to improve student learning and district performance in compliance with state and federal requirements
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to facilitate the planning and implementation of strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment among curriculum, curriculum resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied
assessments to measure student performance.
__c___ facilitate effective curricular decision making based on an understanding of pedagogy, curriculum design, cognitive development, learning processes, and child and adolescent growth and development.
__c___ implement planning procedures to develop curricula that achieve optimal student learning and that anticipate and respond to occupational and economic trends.
__c___ implement core curriculum design and delivery systems to ensure instructional quality and continuity across the district.
__i___ develop and implement collaborative processes for systematically assessing and renewing the curriculum to meet the needs of all students and ensure appropriate scope, sequence, content, and alignment.
__s___ use assessment to measure student learning and diagnose student needs to ensure educational accountability.
__c___ evaluate district curricula and provide direction for improving curricula based on sound, research-based practices.
__s___ integrate the use of technology, telecommunications, and information systems into the school district curriculum to enhance learning for all students.
__s___ facilitate the use of creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem solving by staff and other school district stakeholders involved in curriculum design and delivery.
__s___ facilitate the effective coordination of district and campus curricular and extracurricular programs.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a district culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
__i___ apply knowledge of motivational theories to create conditions that encourage staff, students, families/caregivers, and the community to strive to achieve the district's vision.
__c___ facilitate the implementation of sound, research-based theories and techniques of classroom management, student discipline, and school safety to ensure a school district environment conducive to learning.
__c___ facilitate the development of a learning organization that encourages educational excellence, supports instructional improvement, and incorporates best practice.
__c___ facilitate the ongoing study of current best practice and relevant research and encourage the application of this knowledge to district/school improvement initiatives.
__c___ plan and manage student services and activity programs to address developmental, scholastic, social, emotional, cultural, physical, and leadership needs.
__c___ establish a comprehensive school district program of student assessment, interpretation of data, and reporting of state and national data results.
__c___ apply knowledge of special programs to ensure that students with special needs are provided with appropriate resources and effective, flexible instructional programs and services.
__c___ analyze instructional resource needs and deploy instructional resources effectively and equitably to enhance student learning.
__i___ analyze the implications of various organizational factors (e.g., staffing patterns, class scheduling formats, school organizational structures, student discipline practices) for teaching and learning.
__i___ develop, implement, and evaluate change processes to improve student and adult learning and the climate for learning.
__c___ ensure responsiveness to diverse sociological, linguistic, cultural, psychological, and other factors that may affect student development and learning and create an environment in which all students can learn.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members and select appropriate models for supervision and staff development.
___s__ enhance teaching and learning by participating in quality professional development activities and studying current professional literature and research.
___s__ develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive professional development plan to address identified areas of district, campus, and/or staff need.
___c__ facilitate the application of adult learning principles to all professional development activities, including the use of support and follow-up strategies to facilitate implementation.
___c__ implement strategies to enhance professional capabilities at the district and campus level.
___s__ work collaboratively with other district personnel to plan, implement, and evaluate professional growth programs.
___c__ deliver effective presentations and facilitate learning for both small and large groups.
___i__ implement effective strategies for the recruitment, selection, induction, development, evaluation, and promotion of staff.
___c__ develop and implement comprehensive staff evaluation models that include both formative and summative assessment and appraisal strategies.
___c__ diagnose organizational health and morale and implement strategies and programs to provide ongoing assistance and support to personnel
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to district budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology use.
___i__ apply procedures for effective budget planning and management.
___c__ work collaboratively with stakeholders to develop district budgets.
___i__ facilitate effective account auditing and monitoring.
___i__ establish district procedures for accurate and effective purchasing and financial record keeping and reporting.
___i__ acquire, allocate, and manage resources according to district vision and priorities, including obtaining and using funding from various sources.
___c__ use district and staff evaluation data for personnel policy development and decision making.
___s__ apply knowledge of certification requirements and standards.
___c__ apply knowledge of legal requirements associated with personnel management, including requirements relating to recruiting, screening, selecting, evaluating, disciplining, reassigning, and dismissing personnel.
___c__ manage one's own time and the time of others to maximize attainment of district goals.
___c__ develop and implement plans for using technology and information systems to enhance school district operations.
___c__ apply pertinent legal concepts, regulations, and codes.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to apply principles of leadership and management
to the district's physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective
learning environment.
___s__ apply procedures for planning, funding, renovating, and/or constructing school facilities.
___s__ implement strategies that enable the district's physical plant, equipment, and support systems to operate safely, efficiently, and effectively.
___s__ apply strategies for ensuring the safety of students and personnel and for addressing emergencies and security concerns.
___c__ develop and implement procedures for crisis planning and for responding to crises.
___s__ apply procedures for ensuring the effective operation and maintenance of district facilities.
___c__ implement appropriate, effective procedures in relation to district transportation services, food services, health services, and other services.
___c__ apply pertinent legal concepts, regulations, and codes.
Competency Area:
The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and
problem-solving skills to facilitate positive change in varied contexts.
___c__ implement appropriate management techniques and group process skills to define roles, assign functions, delegate effectively, and determine accountability for goal attainment.
___c__ implement processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for informed decision making.
___c__ frame, analyze, and resolve problems using appropriate problem-solving techniques and decision-making skills.
___c__ use strategies for working with others, including the board of trustees, to promote collaborative decision making and problem solving, facilitate team building, and develop consensus.
___c__ encourage and facilitate positive change, enlist support for change, and overcome obstacles to change in varied educational contexts.
___c__ apply skills for monitoring and evaluating change and making needed adjustments to achieve goals.
___c__ analyze and manage internal and external political systems to benefit the educational organization.
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