Saturday, November 28, 2009


With an ever-tightening budget, we had to cut our campus budgets to help reach our fiscal goals. This required finding alternate ways to pay for those essential items. Sometimes through grants. Sometimes through rearranging the money from programs that were over funded. And we even got to use stimulus monies this year. Don't know if that is good or bad yet. 3 hrs.


We are trying to go paperless on our purchasing. We had to attend workshops on the procedures and now are training staff on the use of the system. 2 hrs.


We needed mulch for the playground to be in compliance with safety codes. I got bids on the mulch and the lowest one (by far) required us to spread the mulch ourselves. We spent several days spreading mulch. 10 hrs.


We have posted bus rules but the rules have not been reinforced for a couple of years. This is causing problems on one bus. We are working with the bus driver with reinforcing these rules. We have also put a paraprofessional and myself occasionally, on the route to help enforce the rules. We have also gotten bids to install cameras on the buses. 2 hrs.


Resolved conflict involving two Kindergarten teachers regarding holiday week events. Also a couple of follow up meetings to ensure compromise. 2 hrs.


Regularly test students using various instruments (AIMSWEB for RTI, TPRI, and other bench mark testing) to measure student success and accountability. Then disaggregate data to focus instruction and remediation where needed. 6 hrs.


Attended two workshops discussing classroom management and use of technology to improve classroom success. Also receive monthly magazine on Texas School Business. 6 hrs.


Worked with special education director in develping and implementing a program that will address the needs of dyslexia students in the Jr. High. Required the training of staff and the reassigning of duties to address student needs. 6 hrs.


Along with other administrators and with the aid of local emergency management groups developed an emergency management plan that addresses the needs of the district as pertaining to the changing societal requirements. 8 hrs.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Attended a PIEMS discipline workshop. The biggest issue was using common sense and ethical judgement when deciding punishment. Then presented the Chapter 38 data to the Superintendant and Board. 5 hours.


Attended two board meetings where the adoption of local policies regarding technology use was discussed then acted on. Between meetings spent time with other administrators deciding on how to best address these issues in our school. 6 hours.


Held evacuation drills. Invited the local media to help promote positive things in the school. Also keep local print media informed of events. 2 hrs.


I personally write an events calendar for the staff that outlines weekly events. We have also researched, purchased, and implemented a calling system that will allow us to communicate with all stakeholders. 4 hrs.


We have planned a small ceremony to recognize and thank our parent volunteers for the work they do. Include is recognition on the marquee. 2 hrs.


On two separate occasions I had to impose rather harsh disciplinary consequences to students. I did so in accordance with policy and despite the negative attacks on myself and the school. 3 hrs.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Interview: Superintendnet/Board member - Nicks

Robert Wilson
Dr. Nicks

I interviewed Dr. Rodney Cavness for the superintendent interview and Mr. Jim Love for the board member interview. I found it interesting that for the most part their answers were the same. The only real difference was the vision aspect of the questioning.

Most important skills for a Superintendent
Having a vision and being able to implement that vision...see it through
Communication skills
Collaboration with the school board
Leadership of principals

Most difficult experience
Learning to deal effectively with the school board. It took almost a year to get everyone on the same page

Greatest accomplishment
Getting all 8 members of the Team of 8 on the same path. In doing so, improving fiscal accountability.
Improving academic focus and success.

Vision of the future
In developing a vision for the district it is the superintendent’s responsibility to organize all stakeholders and develop a vision. Then to communicate that vision and put people and resources in place to realize that vision. You have to know where you are going or you won't know how to get there.
Personally, to strive for success in all areas of the district; academically, athletics, other extracurricular activities, improving instruction, everything.

Most important skills for a board member
Communication of you ideas
The ability to listen

Most difficult experience
Personnel decisions. You are dealing with the lives and livelihoods of people.
Having to judge personnel is very difficult. You just do it and pray it is the right decision.

Greatest accomplishment
No single board member has accomplishments. You work as a team and have failures and accomplishments together. This is a concept lost in most training.
The passage of the bond was huge. To really modernize the science and computer labs was a big accomplishment.

Vision of the future
To have a cohesive, unified board
To implement some fiscal policies

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I worked on getting and inputting information for the Consolidated Reading Initiative Report (CRIR) and the Consolidated Math Initiative Report (CMIR) to apply for a $5000 grant. This may not seem like a lot of money to larger districts, but it helps us pay for after school tutoring and pays for remediation materials in our goal of addressing at risk students. 4 hrs.


The Jasper, Newton, Sabine County Emergency Management Team met with our school administrators to discuss the possibility of an H1N1 pandemic and helped us to recognize how we needed to address various possibilities in our crises planning. 4 hrs.


We have purchased a new program through Eduphoria that allows us to completely conduct PDAS electronically. The program also has templates for the creation of district/campus level evaluations. The results of the evaluations are electronically sent to the teachers. The system also monitors the teacher’s accessing of the information and sends reminders if pre designated deadlines are not met. 2 hrs.


After analyzing test data the RTI committee decided that the use of a paraprofessional would be better as a classroom aide for the third grade than as for a pull out program. The majority of the class was behind as a result of problems faced two years earlier. We also decided, with the teacher, that the math curriculum would need to be altered to address the specific needs of those students. 4 hrs.


We implemented a parent volunteer program where parents sign up to come into the school and help with copying, sorting, creating work jobs, creating manipulatives in the implementation of the CSCOPE curriculum, and other such tasks. Response has been positive so far. 3 hrs.


We have bought the TAP program through Region V and spent one day training teachers and administrators, during conference periods, on the use of the program in disaggregating data. We have also purchased DMAC to help with the same information but also allows the input of district/campus level information. 6 hrs.